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1994- Queensland (in progress)

    This, the latest work (besides my daily diary comix) has stagnated in the last couple of weeks due to other commitments. I was waiting to get all the panel borders marked out, final inks and dialogue finished before putting this online, but that could still take a while. For now I hope you enjoy this, the second part of my 1994 comic.
    1994-queensland-inks-01 1994-queensland-inks-02 1994-queensland-inks-03 1994-queensland-inks-04 1994-queensland-inks-05 1994-queensland-inks-06 1994-queensland-inks-07 1994-queensland-inks-08 1994-queensland-inks-09 1994-queensland-inks-10 1994-queensland-inks-11 1994-queensland-inks-12 1994-queensland-inks-13 1994-queensland-inks-14 1994-queensland-inks-15